Entrepreneurs ! 
You will regret, if you don’t watch this video now

कैसे व्यापार को सिस्टम के साथ, तेजी से कई गुना बढाएं ?

Entrepreneurs ! 
You will regret, if you don’t watch this video now

कैसे व्यापार को सिस्टम के साथ, तेजी से कई गुना बढाएं ?

Let’s grow and expand your Business Multi-X

If You Want To Build Future-Ready Systems, A Great Team, Effective Policies, And An Autopilot Business, You Are At The Right Place

A Practical Business Masterry Program 
For SME and MSME Entrepreneurs !

Registration Started

Book Your Seat Now

Limited Seats

Let’s grow and expand your Business Multi-X

If You Want To Build Future-Ready Systems, A Great Team, Effective Policies, And An Autopilot Business, You Are At The Right Place

A Practical Business Masterry Program 
For SME and MSME Entrepreneurs !

Registration Started

Book Your Seat Now

Limited Seats

Numbers don’t lie! 
What participants achieved from Gurukul! 

यदि आपका भी ये सपना है तो बिज़नस गुरुकुल में तुरंत आईये
Business Gurukul created huge number of success stories. 
Our data says that :
  100% participants create HR systems in their business
  100% participants create customer relationship management
  100% participants see immediate growth in sales
  100% participants know about their strengths and weaknesses
  100% participants have new and visionary network
  98% participants have free time in life with proper delegation
  90% participants expand their business or add new products
Business Gurukul created huge number of success stories. Our data says that :
  100% participants create HR systems in their business
  100% participants create customer relationship management
  100% participants see immediate growth in sales
  100% participants know about their strengths and weaknesses
  100% participants have new and visionary network
  98% participants have free time in life with proper delegation
  90% participants expand their business or add new products

From 1 crore to 1000 crore turnover !

Watch Real Stories of Real People

सतीश मंत्री, डायरेक्टर, श्री शिवम समूह, रायपुर

श्री शिवम की सफलता की कहानी मे डॉ. उज्जवल पाटनी का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है। हमने हर स्तर पर उनसे ट्रेनिग ली। हमारे सभी डायरेक्टर ने अलग सत्र किए और सभी कर्मचारियों ने अलग सत्र किए। हमारे परिवार के बहुत से सदस्यों ने बिज़नेस गुरुकुल में हिस्सा लिया। हम सब अगले 10 साल के ठोस विज़न और नयी ऊर्जा के साथ हर चुनौती के लिए तैयार है। 

Vikas Agrawal, Executive Director, Hira Power & Steels Ltd., Raipur

I feel motivated and positive again. Business Gurukul reignites your hidden desires and aspirations.

सतीश मंत्री, डायरेक्टर, श्री शिवम समूह, रायपुर

श्री शिवम की सफलता की कहानी मे डॉ. उज्जवल पाटनी का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है। हमने हर स्तर पर उनसे ट्रेनिग ली। हमारे सभी डायरेक्टर ने अलग सत्र किए और सभी कर्मचारियों ने अलग सत्र किए। हमारे परिवार के बहुत से सदस्यों ने बिज़नेस गुरुकुल में हिस्सा लिया। हम सब अगले 10 साल के ठोस विज़न और नयी ऊर्जा के साथ हर चुनौती के लिए तैयार है। 

Vikas Agrawal, Executive Director, Hira Power & Steels Ltd., Raipur

I feel motivated and positive again. Business Gurukul reignites your hidden desires and aspirations.

Structure & world-class design of Business Gurukul

सरल भाषा | लाखों के बिज़नस फॉर्मेट फ्री | व्यक्तिगत ध्यान

Only 30 seats Personalized 

One Year Program 
12 Full Day Live Sessions

2 Pre-Gurukul Business Analysis Sessions

24 Online Implementation Sessions with Experts

Only 30 seats Personalized 

One Year Program 
12 Full Day Live Sessions

2 Pre-Gurukul Business Analysis Sessions

24 Online Implementation Sessions with Experts

Sales & Marketing 

Book Summaries For 
Learning Support

Case Study 

Numerous Frameworks and Formats

24 Sales & Marketing 

24 Book Summaries For 
Learning Support

24 Case Study 

Numerous Frameworks 
and Formats

Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999
Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999

Structure & world-class design of Business Gurukul

सरल भाषा | लाखों के बिज़नस फॉर्मेट फ्री | व्यक्तिगत ध्यान

Only 30 seats Personalized 

One Year Program 
12 Full Day Live Sessions

2 Pre-Gurukul Business Analysis Sessions

24 Online Implementation Sessions with Experts

Only 30 seats Personalized 

One Year Program 
12 Full Day Live Sessions

2 Pre-Gurukul Business Analysis Sessions

24 Online Implementation Sessions with Experts

Sales & Marketing 

Book Summaries For 
Learning Support

Case Study 

Numerous Frameworks and Formats

24 Sales & Marketing 

24 Book Summaries For 
Learning Support

24 Case Study 

Numerous Frameworks 
and Formats

Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999
Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999

How your business can become MULTI-X through Gurukul

क्या सीखेंगे जिससे ब्यापार तेजी से कई गुना बढेगा ?

Sales Strategies with All Formats

➤ Create a sales plan 
➤ Increase 20% sales from current customers
➤ Double your sales from the existing team
➤ Create a sales-centric company

Marketing Strategies with All Formats

➤ Create a sales plan 
➤ Increase 20% sales from current customers
➤ Double your sales from the existing team
➤ Create a sales-centric company

Customer Relationship Strategies

➤ Learn CARTIER - 7 step customer relationship system
➤ How to acquire new customers and retain old customers
➤ Create complaint and advice generation systems
➤ Increase 50% leads & 10% sales through reference 

Customer Delight 

➤ Create customer experience audit through MSS
➤ Strategies to create an exceptional customer experience
➤ Transform customers into brand ambassadors
➤ Deep relations with customers

Performance Measurement Strategies

➤ Measure business through KPIs
➤ Transform business through Business chassis miracle
➤ The KPI Success Case studies 

Owner Skill 

➤ Create affirmation and vision boards
➤ 360° Owner upgradation plan
➤ Create a success ecosystem for owner 

Preferred Employer Strategies with All Formats

➤ How to setup a complete HR system from hiring to firing
➤ Get all HR formats worth lakhs
➤ Hire and retain best talent
➤ Strategies to create a 2nd line 

Setting Up Your 

➤ Create a Vision driven enterprise for limitless growth
➤ Define Core Values & Guiding Principles 
➤ The Do's and Don'ts 
➤ Identify individual and organizational role models   

Culture Building 

➤ Be the most respectable organization in your City
➤ Set your Daily culture action plan
➤ Generate sales through culture 

Digital Marketing

➤ How to take your business online
➤ How to use digital media to acquire new customers
➤ How to use social media for brand building   

How your business can become MULTI X through Gurukul

क्या सीखेंगे जिससे ब्यापार तेजी से कई गुना बढेगा ?

Sales Strategies with All Formats

➤ Create a sales plan 
➤ Increase 20% sales from current customers
➤ Double your sales from the existing team
➤ Create a sales-centric company

Marketing Strategies with All Formats

➤ Create a sales plan 
➤ Increase 20% sales from current customers
➤ Double your sales from the existing team
➤ Create a sales-centric company

Customer Relationship Strategies

➤ Learn cartier 7 step customer relationship system
➤ How to acquire new customers & retain old cust.
➤ Create complaint and advice generation systems
➤ Increase 50% leads & 10% sales through ref.

Customer Delight Strategies

➤ Create customer experience audit through MSS
➤ Strategies to create an exceptional cust. exp.
➤ Transform customers into brand ambassadors
➤ Deep relations with customers

Performance Measurement Strategies

➤ Measure business through KPIs
➤ Transform business through Business chassis miracle
➤ The KPI Success Case studies 

Owner Skill Development

➤ Create affirmation and vision boards
➤ 360° Owner upgradation plan
➤ Create a success ecosystem for owner 

Preferred Employer Strategies with All Formats

➤ To setup a complete HR system from hiring to firing
➤ Get all HR formats worth lakhs
➤ Hire and retain best talent
➤ Strategies to create a 2nd line 

Setting Up Your DNA

➤ Create a Vision driven enterprise for limitless growth
➤ Define Core Values & Guiding Principles 
➤ The Do's and Don'ts 
➤ Identify individual and organizational role models   

Culture Building Strategies

➤ Be the most respectable organization in your City
➤ Set your Daily culture action plan
➤ Generate sales through culture 

Digital Marketing Strategies

➤ How to take your business online
➤ How to use digital media to acquire new customers
➤ How to use social media for brand building   

Free Mega Bonus 1 - BUSINESS AUDIT

Identify 100 + Problems in your business and Get instant solutions
Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999

Free Mega Bonus 1 

Identify 100 + Problems in your business and Get instant solutions
Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999

Free Mega Bonus 2 - Public Speaking mastery

Be a fearless and confident public speaker in 2 days
"दो दिन पहले तक मैं माइक के नाम से भी काँपता था और आज डॉ. पाटनी के सेशन के बाद मैं आत्मविश्वास से भर गया हूं। यह कोर्स बेहद प्रभावशाली है।"

सुमित जैन, कोलकत्ता 
"डॉ. उज्जवल पाटनी का पब्लिक स्पीकिंग मास्टर कोर्स एक वरदान है। उन्होंने सरलता से हमें सिखाया कि कैसे खड़े रहें, बात करें और भाषण बनाएं। अब मैं साल में कम से कम 50 बार बड़े मंचों पर बोलता हूं।"

सतीश मंत्री, रायपुर
"मैंने कई कोर्स किए लेकिन पब्लिक स्पीकिंग का भय नहीं गया। डॉ. पाटनी ने गारंटी दी और उनके कोर्स के बाद मुझे आत्मविश्वास आया। यह भारत का सबसे शक्तिशाली और प्रभावी प्रोग्राम है।"

हर्षवर्धन भोतिका, कोलकत्ता 
"Stage presentations terrified me when I got into a prestigious college. My father urged me to join Dr. Ujjwal Patni's public speaking course. Initially skeptical, I found the two-day training transformative. Learning to prepare a speech, engage the audience, and master body language and mic techniques, I gained confidence. Now, I'm one of the best speakers in my college. Everyone must attend this program."

Yash Agarwal , Delhi
Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999

Free Mega Bonus 2 
- Public Speaking mastery

Be a fearless and confident public speaker in 2 days
"दो दिन पहले तक मैं माइक के नाम से भी काँपता था और आज डॉ. पाटनी के सेशन के बाद मैं आत्मविश्वास से भर गया हूं। यह कोर्स बेहद प्रभावशाली है।"

सुमित जैन, कोलकत्ता 
"डॉ. उज्जवल पाटनी का पब्लिक स्पीकिंग मास्टर कोर्स एक वरदान है। उन्होंने सरलता से हमें सिखाया कि कैसे खड़े रहें, बात करें और भाषण बनाएं। अब मैं साल में कम से कम 50 बार बड़े मंचों पर बोलता हूं।"

सतीश मंत्री, रायपुर
"मैंने कई कोर्स किए लेकिन पब्लिक स्पीकिंग का भय नहीं गया। डॉ. पाटनी ने गारंटी दी और उनके कोर्स के बाद मुझे आत्मविश्वास आया। यह भारत का सबसे शक्तिशाली और प्रभावी प्रोग्राम है।"

हर्षवर्धन भोतिका, कोलकत्ता 
"Stage presentations terrified me when I got into a prestigious college. My father urged me to join Dr. Ujjwal Patni's public speaking course. Initially skeptical, I found the two-day training transformative. Learning to prepare a speech, engage the audience, and master body language and mic techniques, I gained confidence. Now, I'm one of the best speakers in my college. Everyone must attend this program."

Yash Agarwal , Delhi
Want to Know More, Call 88787 59999
Meet Your VIP Master Coach
Motivational speaker | Author | Business coach | 3 Guinness world records
Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International Trainer, Bestselling Author, and Top Business Coach, and Founder of Businessjeeto.com.

He is the only motivational speaker in India who has led 3 Guinness World
Records and 15 other prestigious awards including Top 10 Thinker 2014 by
MTC, Best Corporate Trainer of India, Pundit Sunderlal Sharma Rajya
Alankaran and Kamal Patra award makes him a true achiever.

‘The Ujjwal Patni Show’ based on business and life is watched by more than
8 million Indians every week across 75+ countries on YouTube & Facebook.
His impact is so huge that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, USA conferred
the prestigious Gold Creator Award and wrote ‘You have amazed us, you
are the inspiration of everything we do’. Starting his career as a Dentist, Dr.
Patni is today one of the most-heard voices globally from the soil of India.
Now you can also listen to the business and life audio of “The Ujjwal Patni
Show” on Spotify Podcast.

He has conducted more than 2000+ training programs in more than 100
cities nationally and internationally. Business Gurukul, VIP, and Business
Audit is his famous motivational program that has inspired more than
10000 business owners and professionals to change the way they live and

He has authored 7 books that are published in 12 Indian languages and 2
foreign languages that have sold more than 1 million copies in 28 countries.
His famous books are Power Thinking, Jeet Yaa Haar – Raho Taiyaar, Safal
Vakta Safal Vyakti, Judo Jodo Jeeto, Great Words Win Hearts, Aspire
Before You Aspire, etc.

Dr Ujjwal Patni’s achievements in different fields are featured on various TV
channels, premier newspapers, and magazines in India and other countries.

Meet Your Business Gurukul Master Coach

Meet Your
VIP Master Coach


Motivational Speaker | Author | Business Coach | 3 Guinness World Records
Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International Trainer, Bestselling Author, Top Business Coach, and Founder of Businessjeeto.com.

He is the only motivational speaker in India who has led 3 Guinness World Records and 15 other prestigious awards including Top 10 Thinker 2014 by MTC, Best Corporate Trainer of India, Pundit Sunderlal Sharma Rajya Alankaran, and Kamal Patra award makes him a true achiever.

‘The Ujjwal Patni Show’ based on business and life is watched by more than 8 million Indians every week across 75+ countries on YouTube & Facebook. His impact is so huge that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, USA conferred the prestigious Gold Creator Award and wrote ‘You have amazed us, you are the inspiration of everything we do’. Starting his career as a Dentist, Dr. Patni is today one of the most heard voices globally from the soil of India. Now you can also listen to the business and life audio of “The Ujjwal Patni Show” on Spotify Podcast.

He has conducted over 2000+ training programs in more than 100 cities nationally and internationally. Business Gurukul, VIP, and Business Audit is his famous motivational program that has inspired more than 10000 business owners and professionals to change how they live and work.

He has authored 7 books published in 12 Indian languages and 2 foreign languages that have sold more than 1 million copies in 28 countries.

His famous books are Power Thinking, Jeet Yaa Haar – Raho Taiyaar, Safal Vakta Safal Vyakti, Judo Jodo Jeeto, Great Words Win Hearts, Aspire Before You Aspire, etc.

Dr Ujjwal Patni’s achievements in different fields are featured on various TV channels, premier newspapers, and magazines in India and other countries.
Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International Trainer, Bestselling Author, Top Business Coach, and Founder of Businessjeeto.com.

He is the only motivational speaker in India who has led 3 Guinness World Records and 15 other prestigious awards including Top 10 Thinker 2014 by MTC, Best Corporate Trainer of India, Pundit Sunderlal Sharma Rajya Alankaran, and Kamal Patra award makes him a true achiever.

‘The Ujjwal Patni Show’ based on business and life is watched by more than 8 million Indians every week across 75+ countries on YouTube & Facebook. His impact is so huge that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, USA conferred the prestigious Gold Creator Award and wrote ‘You have amazed us, you are the inspiration of everything we do’. Starting his career as a Dentist, Dr. Patni is today one of the most heard voices globally from the soil of India. Now you can also listen to the business and life audio of “The Ujjwal Patni Show” on Spotify Podcast.

He has conducted over 2000+ training programs in more than 100 cities nationally and internationally. Business Gurukul, VIP, and Business Audit is his famous motivational program that has inspired more than 10000 business owners and professionals to change how they live and work.

He has authored 7 books published in 12 Indian languages and 2 foreign languages that have sold more than 1 million copies in 28 countries.

His famous books are Power Thinking, Jeet Yaa Haar – Raho Taiyaar, Safal Vakta Safal Vyakti, Judo Jodo Jeeto, Great Words Win Hearts, Aspire Before You Aspire, etc.

Dr Ujjwal Patni’s achievements in different fields are featured on various TV channels, premier newspapers, and magazines in India and other countries.
Meet Your VIP Master Coach
Motivational speaker | Author | Business coach | 3 Guinness world records
Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International Trainer, Bestselling Author, and Top Business Coach, and Founder of Businessjeeto.com.

He is the only motivational speaker in India who has led 3 Guinness World
Records and 15 other prestigious awards including Top 10 Thinker 2014 by
MTC, Best Corporate Trainer of India, Pundit Sunderlal Sharma Rajya
Alankaran and Kamal Patra award makes him a true achiever.

‘The Ujjwal Patni Show’ based on business and life is watched by more than
8 million Indians every week across 75+ countries on YouTube & Facebook.
His impact is so huge that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, USA conferred
the prestigious Gold Creator Award and wrote ‘You have amazed us, you
are the inspiration of everything we do’. Starting his career as a Dentist, Dr.
Patni is today one of the most-heard voices globally from the soil of India.
Now you can also listen to the business and life audio of “The Ujjwal Patni
Show” on Spotify Podcast.

He has conducted more than 2000+ training programs in more than 100
cities nationally and internationally. Business Gurukul, VIP, and Business
Audit is his famous motivational program that has inspired more than
10000 business owners and professionals to change the way they live and

He has authored 7 books that are published in 12 Indian languages and 2
foreign languages that have sold more than 1 million copies in 28 countries.
His famous books are Power Thinking, Jeet Yaa Haar – Raho Taiyaar, Safal
Vakta Safal Vyakti, Judo Jodo Jeeto, Great Words Win Hearts, Aspire
Before You Aspire, etc.

Dr Ujjwal Patni’s achievements in different fields are featured on various TV
channels, premier newspapers, and magazines in India and other countries.

Meet Your Business Gurukul Master Coach


Motivational Speaker | Author | Business Coach | 3 Guniness World Records
Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International Trainer, Bestselling Author, Top Business Coach, and Founder of Businessjeeto.com.

He is the only motivational speaker in India who has led 3 Guinness World Records and 15 other prestigious awards including Top 10 Thinker 2014 by MTC, Best Corporate Trainer of India, Pundit Sunderlal Sharma Rajya Alankaran, and Kamal Patra award makes him a true achiever.

‘The Ujjwal Patni Show’ based on business and life is watched by more than 8 million Indians every week across 75+ countries on YouTube & Facebook. His impact is so huge that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, USA conferred the prestigious Gold Creator Award and wrote ‘You have amazed us, you are the inspiration of everything we do’. Starting his career as a Dentist, Dr. Patni is today one of the most heard voices globally from the soil of India. Now you can also listen to the business and life audio of “The Ujjwal Patni Show” on Spotify Podcast.

He has conducted over 2000+ training programs in more than 100 cities nationally and internationally. Business Gurukul, VIP, and Business Audit is his famous motivational program that has inspired more than 10000 business owners and professionals to change how they live and work.

He has authored 7 books published in 12 Indian languages and 2 foreign languages that have sold more than 1 million copies in 28 countries.

His famous books are Power Thinking, Jeet Yaa Haar – Raho Taiyaar, Safal Vakta Safal Vyakti, Judo Jodo Jeeto, Great Words Win Hearts, Aspire Before You Aspire, etc.

Dr Ujjwal Patni’s achievements in different fields are featured on various TV channels, premier newspapers, and magazines in India and other countries.
Dr. Ujjwal Patni is an International Trainer, Bestselling Author, Top Business Coach, and Founder of Businessjeeto.com.

He is the only motivational speaker in India who has led 3 Guinness World Records and 15 other prestigious awards including Top 10 Thinker 2014 by MTC, Best Corporate Trainer of India, Pundit Sunderlal Sharma Rajya Alankaran, and Kamal Patra award makes him a true achiever.

‘The Ujjwal Patni Show’ based on business and life is watched by more than 8 million Indians every week across 75+ countries on YouTube & Facebook. His impact is so huge that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, USA conferred the prestigious Gold Creator Award and wrote ‘You have amazed us, you are the inspiration of everything we do’. Starting his career as a Dentist, Dr. Patni is today one of the most heard voices globally from the soil of India. Now you can also listen to the business and life audio of “The Ujjwal Patni Show” on Spotify Podcast.

He has conducted over 2000+ training programs in more than 100 cities nationally and internationally. Business Gurukul, VIP, and Business Audit is his famous motivational program that has inspired more than 10000 business owners and professionals to change how they live and work.

He has authored 7 books published in 12 Indian languages and 2 foreign languages that have sold more than 1 million copies in 28 countries.

His famous books are Power Thinking, Jeet Yaa Haar – Raho Taiyaar, Safal Vakta Safal Vyakti, Judo Jodo Jeeto, Great Words Win Hearts, Aspire Before You Aspire, etc.

Dr Ujjwal Patni’s achievements in different fields are featured on various TV channels, premier newspapers, and magazines in India and other countries.
6.6 Million+
6.6 million+ Subscribers
1 Million+
1 Million + Followers
7 books  
28 countries
7 books, 28 countries

Recognition And Achievements

Dr Ujjwal Patni has achieved 16 + prestigious national and international awards. He has been featured in numerous prestigious newspapers and tv channels. Some of his awards are:

LED 3 Guinness World Records

Pundit Sunderlal Sharma 
State Literary Award

Best Corporate Trainer of India, MTC

Top 10 Thinkers of India 2014

Kamal Patra, the biggest award 
by Indian Jaycees

Top Business Coach of India 
by Chambers of Commerce

LED 3 Guinness 
World Records

Pundit Sunderlal Sharma State Literary Award

Best Corporate Trainer of India, MTC

Top 10 Thinkers of 
India 2014

Kamal Patra, the biggest award by Indian Jaycees

Top Business Coach of India by Chambers of Commerce

Recognition And Achievements

Dr Ujjwal Patni has achieved 16 + prestigious national and international awards. He has been featured in numerous prestigious newspapers and tv channels. Some of his awards are:

LED 3 Guinness World Records

Pundit Sunderlal Sharma 
State Literary Award

Best Corporate Trainer of India, MTC

Top 10 Thinkers of India 2014

Kamal Patra, the biggest award 
by Indian Jaycees

Top Business Coach of India 
by Chambers of Commerce

LED 3 Guinness 
World Records

Pundit Sunderlal Sharma State Literary Award

Best Corporate Trainer of India, MTC

Top 10 Thinkers of 
India 2014

Kamal Patra, the biggest award by Indian Jaycees

Top Business Coach of India by Chambers of Commerce

Get a full refund if Business Gurukul doesn’t significantly enhance your vision, mindset, and business practices. Participate sincerely in all the offline live sessions and online implementation sessions to qualify for the refund – no questions asked.

Support Mail: contact@ujjwalpatni.com
Call / Whatsapp: 7024134100, 7024108811 (10:00 AM to 6:30 PM)
Get a full refund if VIP doesn't significantly enhance your life after attending the two-day live event and 16 online implementation sessions. Participate sincerely and compulsorily in all sessions to qualify for the refund—no questions asked.

Support Mail: contact@ujjwalpatni.com
Call / Whatsapp: 7024134100, 7024108811 (10:00 AM to 6:30 PM)
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This site is not a part of the Facebook website, Facebook Inc. YouTube website, or Google Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT ENDORSED by Facebook or Google in any way.

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